Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Training Room-thoughts for Aug 11th

I went and voted today in the local primary election here in Nevada, I took my 4 year old daughter Nadia with me…I explained to her the honor of voting, the responsibility of voting and the fact that many had died for us to be able to vote…and then standing in the Carson City NV community center I began to cry…I cried for my nation, I cried for my daughter, I cried because the heart of my God breaks for our country.

Unlike many of you I was not born in this nation, I was born in a foreign land… I was adopted by United States Air Force hero, Senior Master Sergeant John W. Hill, you see he purchased me for two cases of scotch on the black market in Tehran, Iran and brought me to this nation. Only God could do something like that!

This nation is the only nation is the history of the globe that is built on principles… all the other nations of the globe have been built on familial ties, religious ties, ethic or cultural ties... but our nation, our nation was built on principles and values and it has been those values that have made us a shining light to the rest of the world for much of our history.

Our nation is dying a slow death…moral decay, the absence of truth and a complete turning away from the true and living God…so what will we do? I was not brought to this nation and given the gift of freedom to stand idly by and watch as it goes to hell in a hand basket and the great thing is, I know you feel the same way!

How,you might say, will this thing get turned around? By you and I being to each other (or someone) the change we want to see in our nation…the bible says that what makes us special, we Christians, is the way “we love one and other” …that is it, that alone will cause us to stand out in the crowd…we must be of one accord, in unity and like minded…the mind of Christ…this has nothing to do with some project, this has to do with changing ourselves so that we can be used by God for His purposes and His glory…before we can do any project, change any lives, impact any nation we must be able to live out Philippians chapter 2 with and for each other and to the glory of God.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts...by the way don't forget our
upcoming Thursday Prayer Champions Simulcast click here to learn more, hope you can join us, all the best and may the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering- Ian

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Training Room Thoughts for the week of Aug 4th

Interesting prayers this week don't you think? What is the Lord saying to you about them?

There is something happening across North America, God is moving, I believe He is calling us to prayer, I think He is about to do a mighty work and it will all be proceeded by people praying like we see in these examples...let us know what you think...

Don't forget to sign up for the upcoming simulcast Aug 14th at 6:30pm ET "Prayer Champions, God's true warriors"...all the best Ian

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Teaching for week of July 28th

The Training Room has a real good work-out for those who wish to be Champions...

What do you think of E.M. Bounds commentary of a Prayer Champion giving their all to prayer and how does it line up with how we do prayer in the church today?

What of the biblical teaching Prayers the Great Ones Prayed:
Prayer of Jabez 1Chr 4:10
Solomon's dedication of the temple 2Chr 6 => God's Answer 2Chr 7:1,14
Jehoshaphat Prays for victory 2Chr 20
Job's Turning Point Job 42:1-6, and Victory Job 42:10
Hannah's Prevailing, Fasting, Weeping Surrender to God 1 Sam 1:1-28

Here is my take...

North American Christian's should stop worrying about prayer in public schools , court houses , so on and start worrying about pray actually happening in our churches, homes and "personal prayer closets"...the problem isn't with the world not praying enough, the problem is God's people are not praying enough. .

The Bible says that Jesus is our High Priest and that He intercedes before the Father day and night. The Bible also says we are called to a Holy, Royal Priesthood and that we are Kingdoom of Priests. What was the job of the priest in the old testament ...to intercede for the people, to offer sacrifce for the people and to stand before God on behalf of the people.

What do you pray for, who do you pray for? and are you standing before the Lord for others as you are called to do as a memeber of the Kingdom of Priests!

Did you know that the avg. North Americian watches 50 hours of TV a week, let alone surfing the net, yes that is right 50 hours!!!

Can you imagine if all the "Christians" humbled themselves and cried out to God in prayer.
I challange you join me and take 10% of your next week and pray. There are 168 hours in a week, so that is 17 hours to give the Lord His 10%...shut of the TV and pray, shut down the computer and pray, say no to golf and pray...pray, pray pray...your nation depends on it, your family depends on it and God is calling us to it-
In His Grace and Peace, Ian

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Teaching for Week July 21st

Give us your thoughts on this weeks Prayer Champion's training room study of the prayers of

  • Daniel's Prayer for Revival and Restoration Dan 9
  • Nehemiah's Prayer for Revival and Restoration Neh 1, Neh 2:1
  • Ezra's prayer for the people's sins Ezra 9

Do you see similarities? What is the Lord revealing to us about our own world today and how we should be praying? What do these say to you personally? I will give you my thoughts about all three throughout the week, will you please do the same.
Lord please open our hearts and minds to your teaching, so that we may be great intercessors for you Kingdom-Ian

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Prayer Champion Simulcast

Thank you for participating in the Project-G Prayer Champion's Simulcast.
Give us your thoughts on what the Lord is saying to you as you are watching or what He has said to you as you reflected on the telecast.